Most Common LDN Questions

A prescription bottle of Low Dose Naltrexone (4.5mg) sitting on a kitchen countertop.

If you’re thinking about adding LDN to your longevity regimen, or if you just started taking LDN, AgelessRx is here to help! Below, we invite you to explore the top five most common questions about LDN, with responses from our expert prescribers.

What dosage of LDN will I be prescribed?

LDN is typically prescribed at a target dose 4.5mg/day in capsule form. Your prescribed dosage will be determined by a licensed medical professional after taking into account multiple factors, including your age, medical history, and drug interactions.

What are ways I can monitor my response to LDN?

In the short term and over time, patients report an improvement or reduction of symptoms related to inflammation and rampant oxidative stress. While it varies from from person-to-person, LDN can help to improve: chronic flatulence, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, headache, joint pain, brain fog, muscle pain, fatigue, unexplained weight gain, lower back pain, skin issues/rashes, excessive mucus production, seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, trouble falling asleep, or trouble staying asleep.

What happens if I have a hard time tolerating LDN?

If you are having a hard time tolerating LDN, or fear you may as you begin your treatment, you may consider our recommended modified protocol. To do so, start by taking 1 capsule daily at bedtime for 10 days; after, increase to 2 capsules for the next 10 days, followed by 3 capsules thereafter.

If, at any time, you are unable to tolerate LDN, discontinue use or talk to a licensed medical professional ASAP.

How and when do I take LDN?

Start by taking 1 capsule daily at bedtime for 10 days; after, increase to 2 capsules for the next 10 days, followed by 3 capsules thereafter.

LDN is best taken at bedtime between the hours of 9pm and 2am.

Is LDN safe for everyone to use?

Generally, yes. There are, however, a few specific instances where LDN should not be used.

For example, LDN should not be used by anyone taking painkillers or medications to treat addiction. Even when used at small doses, Naltrexone acts on the same receptors as painkillers and addiction medications. When taken together, Naltrexone competes with these other medications, which can render one or both ineffective. Sometimes, the result can even cause withdrawal.

LDN should be avoided in patients with impaired kidney or liver function. Additionally, if you are on thyroid medication, you may need to monitor your thyroid levels more closely as you start LDN. If you develop symptoms of hyperthyroidism while taking LDN, such as heart racing, increased anxiety, restlessness, or trouble sleeping, please stop LDN and talk to your doctor who prescribes your thyroid medication.

Other conditions that require a modified protocol or require further consideration prior to use include:

  • Lyme Disease or other Chronic Infections (EBV, CMS, Bebesosis, Borellia, etc.)
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome/Disease (MCAS/MCAD)
  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities or drug allergies (3 or more)
  • Mold or black mold illness or exposure
  • Mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia)

As with all AgelessRx prescription products, a medical professional will review your medical intake form and health history to determine if a prescription is right for you prior to approval.

To learn more about the science behind LDN, click here.

To request an LDN prescription, click here.