Energy Maintenance & Longevity

Energy Maintenance & Longevity

Quick overview of what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • How cellular energy relates to longevity
  • Why we need energy for longevity
  • What happens when we don’t have adequate energy
  • How to address age-related decline in energy

It’s easy for most of us to understand why energy matters. The very statement seems trivial – of course energy matters! We need energy to do any task–from exercising, to thinking, and even breathing.

But our energy levels matter more than we might think, especially when it concerns our longevity: we don’t just need energy to do, we need energy to thrive. Energy, then, becomes not only an indicator of a prosperous healthspan, but a sign of a decaying healthspan as well.

To that end, we want to leave off the more apparent facts and discuss energy in terms of our longevity, using 2 recent studies as reference.

The Energy Maintenance Theory of Aging

So, how does energy relate so closely to longevity? The short but not-so-simple answer is mitochondria.

As you might know, mitochondrial dysfunction is one of 9 hallmarks of aging (which may soon be updated to the 14 hallmarks of aging). As our cells age, the function of mitochondria gradually diminishes, causing subsequent dysfunction in our cells, which contributes to what we know as aging.

But a recent study by Snehal Chaudhari and Edward Kipreos suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction may be tied to decreased levels of adenosine triphosphate (or ATP), which provides energy to our cells. Chaudhari and Kipreos have labeled this phenomenon as an “emerging paradigm” which they’re referring to as the Energy Maintenance Theory of Aging. In their words, the data suggests that “long-lived individuals must maintain relatively abundant ATP levels in order to survive during extended longevity.” Though the worm C. elegans was used as the basis of their studies, these researchers also point out that the same worm was used to identify the insulin signaling pathway as a lifespan extension mechanism. However, that’s not to suggest that there’s no supporting evidence: “95% of mitochondria in the muscle tissue of a healthy 90-year-old man were found to be damaged, compared to no detectable damage in…a 5-year-old-child.”

This confirms much of what we’ve previously associated with healthy individuals, which is that they have more energy! But perhaps for the first time, this study also ties improved energy closely with improved longevity.

Fatigue & Chronic Disease

What about lack of energy? It’s clear from the above that improving energy is good, but what about the opposite?

Well, a recent correlative study also suggested that chronic disease can be regularly associated with fatigue.

We can think of this study almost as the inverse of the above – just as we can associate increased energy with longevity, so too can we associate diminishing energy with aging or chronic disease. Though this is a correlative study, the results are nonetheless valuable to ground something many of us already knew: as we get older, our energy decreases.

However, what’s suggested here may actually be the reverse: as our energy decreases, we get older.

By older, of course, we mean at a cellular level, which means our chances of developing a chronic disease increase. And thus, the idea of maintaining positive energy seems to be a crucial element of living a longer, healthier life.

So, what’s the solution?

How can we improve our cellular energy? As you may have already guessed, the answer isn’t more coffee.

Starting with simple lifestyle changes is fundamental – taking a morning run or an afternoon walk is a good start, but getting any sunlight first thing in the morning is a great way to improve energy throughout the day. Eating better to nourish our bodies with healthy fuel is another step in the right direction.

But these options seem to treat the problem without addressing the source. To truly take control of our health span, we need to treat energy deficiency from our cells up.

Supplementing with either NAD+ or B12 is ideal to replenish those necessary nutrients our cells need to function. Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) has also been shown to reduce fatigue and improve energy in the long run.

Clearly, though, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing such a complicated issue as mitochondrial dysfunction. That’s why our longevity experts are ready and able to answer your questions so you can find a longevity plan that’s as unique as you.

Explore all of our energy and fatigue treatment options here.

Note: The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.