Top 7 Tips for Taking Rapamycin

Top 7 Tips for Taking Rapamycin

Quick overview of what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • How to get the most from your Rapamycin dose
  • Best things to do 
  • What not to do
  • When to get blood tests

Taking Rapamycin for longevity can make us feel like pioneers on a new frontier of aging. Though this medication has been around for decades, Rapamycin is still a relatively new aging treatment. It’s exciting exploring uncharted territory on the forefront of the global longevity movement, but having a guide to light your way makes the journey that much easier.

Our experts have been prescribing Rapamycin for years, and many are Rapamycin patients themselves. As such, we’ve learned a thing or two about what to do and what not to do when taking Rapamycin for aging. So whether you’ve just set sail, or you’re feeling somewhat lost in your journey, here are some tips for taking Rapamycin that we’ve learned along the way.

Top 7 Rapamycin Tips

  1. Avoid grapefruit juice, period.
    This is a big one! Grapefruit juice is a healthy favorite among many longevity enthusiasts, but thanks to its unique cellular profile, it can alter the way that certain medications work. This happens in two ways: grapefruit juice will either prevent a drug from being metabolized, which increases the level of the drug in our bloodstream, or it can prevent the drug from being absorbed in our gut, which could also prevent any benefits.

    Rapamycin is among the growing list of medications that interact with grapefruit juice. Even a few sips could prevent Rapamycin from being metabolized, which can lead to higher levels of Rapamycin in our bloodstream. Rapamycin’s aging benefits are the result of a careful dosage that is lower than normal. As such, drinking grapefruit juice with Rapamycin may result in too much Rapamycin staying in our bloodstream, which could prevent the longevity benefits.
  2. Take with or without food.
    Every sailor knows that a consistent routine is key to success, and Rapamycin is no different! Rapamycin can be taken with or without food, but try to do so consistently – either always with food or always without.
  3. Take around the same time each day.
    Part of a consistent routine is keeping a consistent schedule. Similar to the above, the idea is to help your body adjust to the medication as best as possible. For example, if you take Rapamycin with dinner around 5pm, try to always do so when it’s time for your next dose.

    This will help your body absorb Rapamycin better so you can enjoy the longevity benefits sooner. You don’t have to stress about taking your Rapamycin at exactly the same time each week, but try to imagine your body as the captain of the ship: stray too far off schedule, and the captain will take notice!
  4. Stick to a healthy diet.
    A healthy foundation is key to reaping the maximum benefits of Rapamycin. Your diet may affect the overall benefits, as well as the frequency of side effects, so try to eat as healthily as possible while taking Rapamycin to maximize the benefits.

    Go for whole foods that are low in fat, and try to avoid refined and processed foods as much as possible. Limiting the amount of sugary drinks or alcoholic beverages you consume may also help. Don’t forget to stay away from grapefruit juice! To this end, sleeping well and staying active can also help you get the most from Rapamycin.
  5. Take on your rest days.
    Rapamycin may blunt the benefits of high-intensity exercises like resistance training. When Rapamycin is at peak levels in our bloodstream, it inhibits mTOR (or, the mechanistic target of Rapamycin), which is also what helps our body benefit from exercise. Avoid taking Rapamycin on the same day that you do exercises like resistance training.

    Because Rapamycin for longevity is only taken once a week, it should be easy to adjust your schedule so that the day you take Rapamycin is on one of your rest days. Though more research is needed to confirm, it’s better to be safe than sorry so all that hard work doesn’t go to waste!
  6. Get regular blood tests.
    It’s easy to admire a ship for where it can take us, without appreciating the inner workings that make it float in the first place. Similarly, it can be difficult to appreciate the benefits of Rapamycin without a blood test. After all, you don’t praise a ship for not hitting an iceberg, so why would you praise Rapamycin if you don’t get cancer?

    Many of the greatest benefits of Rapamycin are happening at a cellular level, affecting our blood sugar, pro-inflammatory factors, and our biomarkers for kidney and liver health, among others. While some of us may feel less aches and pains as a result, others may not notice benefits unless they pay close attention. Getting a blood test is the best way to measure Rapamycin aging benefits.

    For AgelessRx patients, blood tests are included in the cost of your prescription, but even if you didn’t get Rapamycin through AgelessRx, you should still speak to your prescriber about getting regular blood tests while taking Rapamycin.
  7. Pay attention to infections.
    Rapamycin may make some people more susceptible to infections when they first start taking it. Small cuts on your arm and even cold sores can develop into greater infections while taking Rapamycin if left unchecked. For this reason, you should pay close attention to any infections developing on your body during the first months of treatment.

    If you notice that a cut on your arm doesn’t heal as fast as it should, or that a cold sore just doesn’t seem to go away, talk to your prescriber immediately to prevent the infection from getting worse.  

With these tips in your back pocket, you should have calm seas and a gentle wind in your sail ahead of your longevity journey. Of course, should you ever run ashore while taking Rapamycin, you can always reach out to use via your AgelessRx portal. Happy sailing!