How Astaxanthin Could Be Your New Longevity Hack

How Astaxanthin Could Be Your New Longevity Hack

Quick overview of what we’ll cover in this blog post:

  • What is astaxanthin
  • How it works
  • How astaxanthin impacts longevity
  • Why it’s featured in our Infinite Longevity Support

You’re likely familiar with the compound known as astaxanthin, and you may even be using it regularly in your daily life: it’s found in many skincare products to protect from UV damage, and even taken as a supplement to reduce your risk for cardiovascular diseases.

But recent research has confirmed that this humble compound may also be our next go-to longevity hack, with benefits that could increase our lifespan.

What Is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant found in microalgae, belonging to a group of compounds known as keto-carotenoids. Like other carotenoids, astaxanthin is well known for its ability to produce a pinkish hue. Animals that eat algae that produce astaxanthin – like salmon, shrimp, and flamingos – often show this characteristic pinkish pigmentation as a result of their diet.

But astaxanthin does more than just give animals their trademark colors, which is part of the reason why eating salmon is healthy for us.

How Does Astaxanthin Work?

Astaxanthin is a unique antioxidant that helps shield our cells from the damaging byproducts of oxidative stress by neutralizing cellular toxins and reducing chronic inflammation, two notorious hallmarks of aging. Astaxanthin’s molecular structure also allows it to span cell membranes, protecting the cell from damage and improving the overall health of our cells.

When we have healthy cells, we have a healthy body! All that cellular protection expands outward to the rest of our body, providing diverse benefits such as healthy skin, improved exercise recovery, better cognitive function, and protection from age-related diseases.

Due in part to its diverse benefits, astaxanthin remains the subject of many ongoing scientific studies.

What Has Research Shown?

One such study by the Interventions Testing Program (ITP) recently found a direct connection between astaxanthin and improved lifespan in mice.

The ITP is well-known for testing the efficacy of different longevity solutions, such as Rapamycin and Acarbose, both of which have been declared as life-extending therapies by the organization. Astaxanthin has regularly been a featured medication in the ITP’s studies.

Their most recent study concluded that astaxanthin increased the lifespan of mice by up to 12%. When considering that one human year is equivalent to nine days for mice, the potential benefit for humans is nothing short of promising.

The ITP has already launched two additional astaxanthin trials to further explore its impact on human longevity.

Infinite Possibilities

Fortunately, we don’t have to eat fish every day to enjoy the benefits of astaxanthin.

Of all the longevity compounds that the ITP has found to be effective, astaxanthin is the only one available without a prescription. This means that any of us can easily add astaxanthin to our longevity regimen.

Our Infinite Longevity Support has astaxanthin as one of its seven ingredients. When combined with other cutting-edge supplements – like quercetin for healthy cholesterol, curcumin for cardiovascular support, and calcium alpha-ketoglutarate for cellular energy – the benefits may be even greater than astaxanthin alone.

Learn more about astaxanthin and our Infinite Longevity Support and see if it’s right for you.

Note: The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.